Ascend Tower of Fantasy Without Depleting Stamina

 The upcoming open-world MMO from Perfect World Entertainment and Level Infinite is called Tower of Fantasy. Players in Tower of Fantasy can plan their actions with the stamina of their characters in mind. Anything from evading bullets to running to the infamous wall climbing. Since the game's setting is a mountainous, lush planet, it goes without saying that players will have to scale great heights in order to progress. And the most frustrating aspect is the seeming lack of stamina. In this guide, we'll teach you the best technique for completing Tower of Fantasy's challenging climbs without depleting your energy bar.

The secret of Tower of Fantasy's climbing trick

To do this trick right, you need to follow three steps in order. For easier understanding, these three steps are listed in the right order below. Find a hill or a surface wall that you can climb. Then take a few steps up. Then:
  1. Press the Ctrl button if on PC or the drop button if on other platforms.
  2. As the character starts falling, double press the Space (PC) or the jump button, if on other platforms.
  3. As soon as the jump animation finishes, press the W button or move forward so that the character can latch itself up to the surface again.
Remember that these three steps must be taken one after the other and in the right order. If not, the player would lose more height than they would gain. All of the key assignments in this article for the PC version are the ones that come with the game. If you changed how the keys work, please look at your settings page to find the right buttons.

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