Download and Install Plants vs. Zombies Fusion 2.1.4 English

 Plants vs. Zombies Fusion is a fan-made game that brings a fresh spin to the classic PvZ formula. If you're a fan of the PvZ series and want to try out this exciting fusion mod, you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, I’ll show you how to install PvZ Fusion on your PC, patch it to English, and troubleshoot common issues that might arise during installation.

Let’s dive into the installation process!

Step-by-Step Guide to Install Plants vs. Zombies Fusion

Step 1: Download the Files

To start, you need to download the necessary files. Check the description below for the download link, which will give you access to:

Download the PvZ Fusion Client and the English Patch for the PC version.

Step 2: Extract the PvZ Fusion Client

Once the files are downloaded, it’s time to extract the PvZ Fusion Client. The current version is around 357 MB, so make sure you have enough space on your hard drive. After extracting, you will see another ZIP file along with some text files.

Look for the PASSWORD.txt file, open it, and copy the password inside.

Step 3: Extract the Additional Files

Now, use the password from the PASSWORD.txt file to extract the second ZIP file. This will give you the Chinese version of PvZ Fusion.

Step 4: Apply the Language Patch

Next, you need to apply the language patch to make the game playable in English. Here’s how:

  1. Open the English Patch you downloaded earlier.
  2. Install everything in the _Redist folder if you haven't done so already.
  3. Copy all files inside the Patch folder and paste them into the root directory of your PvZ Fusion installation. The root directory is where you’ll find the PlantsVsZombiesRH.exe file.

Once everything is copied, you’re ready to launch the game!

Step 5: Launch the Game

Double-click on PlantsVsZombiesRH.exe to start PvZ Fusion. The game should now be running in English or any language you selected during the patch process.

Important Notes

  • This guide applies to the PC version of PvZ Fusion.
  • The translation patch will not work on 32-bit systems or Windows 7 or earlier. Ensure you’re using a 64-bit version of Windows for the best experience.

Common Errors and Fixes

During installation or gameplay, you may encounter some common errors. Here’s how to fix them:

Q: How do I run the game?
A: Simply double-click on Launch Game.bat to start the game.

Q: I’m getting a 0x00000005 error.
A: This error typically occurs if your system is 32-bit. PvZ Fusion only runs on 64-bit systems, so you’ll need to upgrade to a 64-bit version of Windows.

Q: There’s an error like “Attempt to read or write protected memory...” What do I do?
A: Try moving the game folder to a different location that is NOT on your C: drive or your Desktop. This should resolve the issue.

Q: VCRUNTIME140.dll error, what do I do?
A: This error occurs when the required Visual C++ Redistributable files are missing. Go to the _Redist folder in your game directory and install VC-Redist-x64.exe.

Q: Failed to initialize MelonLoader: Failed to load library! What do I do?
A: To fix this issue, install WindowsDesktop-Runtime-6.0.18-WIN-x64.exe from the _Redist folder. Alternatively, you can try renaming the game folder to something simpler, like PVZRH.

Q: I’m getting these errors:

  • "Please make sure you install .NET 6.0."
  • "It was not possible to find a compatible framework version."

A: These errors are related to missing dependencies. Install WindowsDesktop-Runtime-6.0.18-WIN-x64.exe from the _Redist folder to fix the issue.

PVZ: Fusion 2.1.6 Changelog

  • Fixed a bug in Survival Mode where placing Zombie-box after "More Zombies Are Coming" prevented progression to the next wave.
  • Fixed abnormal health issues with Leaf Umbrella and Diamond Umbrella.
  • Optimized Leaf Umbrella’s zombie knockback damage: -100 HP for 1 zombie, -150 HP for 2–4 zombies, and -250 HP for more than 4 zombies.
  • Fixed a bug where Barley could transform into Giga-nut.
  • Fixed a bug where excessive sunlight caused the counter to become negative; the cap is now 99,999,999.
  • Fixed a bug where gloves had cooldowns in "I, Zombie" mode.
  • Fixed a bug in Twilight Mode (诸神模式) where fertilizer failed to heal all plants in one tile.
  • Fixed an abnormal collision box for Blover.
  • Fixed an issue where Gold Magnet occasionally failed to attract bullets.
  • Fixed a bug where drones did not prioritize attacking flying zombies.
  • Optimized the game over screen; Survival Mode now allows restarting the current wave directly.
  • Fixed a bug where giving Hypno-magnet a jack-in-the-box generated normal zombies.
  • Fixed missing special effects for Hypnolia.
  • Changed the deathrattle effect of Obsidian Tall-nut: upon taking damage, all Obsidian Tall-nuts share the damage across the board.

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  1. Failed to initialize MelonLoader: Failed to load library! What i can doing for fix this

  2. Whatever I do, wherever I install it, the screen goes black. What should I do?

  3. chả tải được


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